Born in australia
When we walk, we connect with ourselves and our world around us - bringing together the elements that make us human. FREEWORLD© isn’t just about footwear, it’s a state of mind: a mindset dedicated to protecting what connects us to our environment - our feet.
Healthy feet. healthy mind. healthy body
Healthy feet is the keystone of everything we do at FREEWORLD©. They are our point of contact with the earth, and the foundation upon which wellbeing is built.
Our feet are with us when we work, rest and play - and we need footwear that takes care of our feet through all walks of life. That’s why we developed the TRIFECTA: 3 core ranges dedicated to the core states of our podiatric health. Walking, comfort and recovery.
Walking impacts physical health, mental health and emotional health. Walking is seen as low intensity, yet it is as beneficial as any other exercise - that’s why walking is important to us.
At FREEWORLD©, we strive to push the boundaries of what is possible in footwear design. Our teams in Brisbane, Sydney and Korea explore cutting-edge materials and technologies that help you walk yourself well, with a strong focus on ethical sustainability, innovation, and comfort.
We believe you can't change the world without participating in the communities that make it. Only together can we embrace what makes us different and appreciate how those differences make us whole.
Freeworld ambassadors
We’re looking for like-minded people who walk the walk and want to become champions of the free world.
Live to give
Life is about give and take, but we like to focus on the give. See how FREEWORLD© not only supports your feet, but your local community as well.